Daily Archives: January 14, 2021

Happy New Year!

It’s been great seeing the students back in school after break!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!

What we’ve been working on:


We are finishing up our informational books.  They have been very busy and are excited to share what they are experts on!


Our Reading unit ties in with our writing in that we are reading informational texts.  We have been talking about finding the main idea and supporting details while reading.


We are adding three digit numbers using equations, word problems and getting information from charts.

Their Unit 2 tests were sent home last week.  They did well!  Thanks for reviewing and studying with them!

Keep practicing math facts.  Once they pass 1-10 multiplication facts, they can practice 11s and 12s for extra learning.  Only 1-10 needs to be mastered for 3rd grade.  After everyone has passed, we will take tests on mixed facts to keep their fluency high.

Classroom Supplies:

We could use Lysol wipes as we are almost out.  We could also use classroom snacks such as graham crackers and goldfish crackers.

Have a great rest of your week!


Your students will record their green screen videos on Tuesday, January 19.

They are welcome to bring props and dress up!
Thanks for your help, they are so excited!!

Mrs. Angela Totten

STEAM Studio Teacher
Georgetown Elementary